Online ein Publikum erreichen

Ein Leitfaden für digitales Live-Streaming und Webinare

Über das Buch

Im August 2018 wurde "Ein Publikum erreichen" veröffentlicht, das einen einführenden Leitfaden für digitale Live-Streaming-Veranstaltungen und -Präsentationen bietet.

Da sich immer mehr Organisationen, Fachleute und Einzelpersonen aus der Ferne zu Vorträgen, Präsentationen, Veranstaltungen und Zeremonien verbinden, kann dieses Buch Ihnen helfen, sich bequem von zu Hause aus digital zu verbinden, Ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und Online-Veranstaltungen durchzuführen, die bereichern und unterstützen können deine Gemeinschaft.

Die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen, die geteilt werden, sind für Gemeinschaften von entscheidender Bedeutung, um sich aus der Ferne zu verbinden. Es ist eine moderne Lebenskompetenz, die für die Menschen immer wichtiger geworden ist, in Verbindung zu bleiben.

Der Wert

Nachdem eine Vortragsreihe live als Testlauf online gestreamt wurde, war das Erreichen eines weiteren Publikums, das nicht anwesend war, eine so lohnende Erfahrung für das Publikum und die Vortragenden, dass das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten geteilt werden mussten.

Ein Hauptziel dieses Buches ist es, Veranstaltungen, Zeremonien, Webinare und Präsentationen leicht zugänglich zu machen, um einige technische Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu demonstrieren. Wenn Sie anderen helfen, diese Ergebnisse zu erzielen, anderen eine persönliche Erfahrung bieten, die sie von zu Hause aus verbinden, ist dies für Gemeinschaften unglaublich wertvoll, um in Verbindung zu bleiben und sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen.

Die Inspiration

Dieses Buch wurde von der Erfahrung der Autoren inspiriert, die erfolgreich ein Live-Streaming eines illustrierten Vortrags aus einer Dorfhalle im ländlichen Herefordshire (in Großbritannien) lieferte.

Während dieses Livestreams verwendeten die Autoren 'GoToWebinar-Software' sofum diesen Stream zu vervollständigen, der für sie gut funktionierte. Insgesamt nahmen 50 virtuelle Gäste teil, aber da es sich um ein Experiment handelte, wurde kein Abonnement abgeschlossen. Die Präsentation wurde über eine 4G-Verbindung gestreamt, und dies ist eine sehr wichtige Überlegung, bevor ein Veranstaltungsort und der Live-Streaming-Dienst ausgewählt werden. Da dies ein Experiment war das ist OK, aber wenn dies als eine lange Serie übernommen werden sollte, wäre dies nicht der kostengünstigste Weg gewesen, Dinge zu tun.

Das Buch beschreibt alles, was Sie wissen müssen, um sich auf einen Live-Stream vorzubereiten, aber wenn Sie Ihren eigenen Live-Stream erstellen, ist es wichtig zu recherchieren, welche Software für Sie, Ihren Veranstaltungsort und Ihre Zielgruppe am besten geeignet ist.

Wenn Sie mehr von den Personen erfahren möchten, die die Studie erlebt haben, die dieses Buch inspiriert hat, wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an uns. enquiry@mathonchurch.org.uk

Über die Autoren

   Jack Versiani Holt

Jack Versiani Holt

Jack arbeitet derzeit als Marine Licensing Casework Officer und ist unter seiner Marke 'Holtography' selbstständig. Nachdem er während seines Master-Abschlusses in Wildlife Documentary Production wesentliche Fähigkeiten zum Geschichtenerzählen gelernt hatte, hat er diese Fähigkeiten in effektiver digitaler Kommunikation in seiner jetzigen Rolle, als freiberufliche Beratertätigkeit und in vielen kreativen Projekten angewandt. ...

Er wurde auch für ein Architekturfotografie-Projekt beauftragt und hat eine große Leidenschaft für Landschafts-, Langzeitbelichtung und Tierfotografie. Jack hat das Cover, Design und den Schreibstil für dieses Buch kreiert.



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   Kevin Brewer

Kevin Brewer

Kevin hat ausführlich als Spezialist für Datenkonnektivität gearbeitet und die Bereitstellung von komplexen I.T. Projekte sowohl im kommerziellen als auch im gemeinnützigen Sektor sowohl in Großbritannien als auch darüber hinaus. ...

Er sieht die Macht der Live-Streaming-Technologie als eine positive Kraft für das Gute, indem er Gemeinschaften zusammenbringt und die Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen ermöglicht, die sonst nicht teilnehmen könnten.


Wo zu kaufen

COVID 19 Update: Bitte beachten Sie die Lieferzeiten in Ihre Region. Der Lagerversand kann eingeschränkt sein und die Lieferung kann sich während dieser Zeit verzögern.

Derzeit ist das Buch nur in Englisch und Deutsch erhältlich. Wenn Sie über die Übersetzung einer Übersetzung sprechen möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail: enquiry@reachinganaudience.com.

Englische Ausgabe des Buches ISBN: 978-1-5272-2521-3
Deutsche Ausgabe des Buches ISBN: 978-1-5272-3107-8

buy now

Bewertungen in der Sprache, in der sie geschrieben wurden.

Review by: Robert Lex, 17 April 2020 via Wordery

Suddenly the doors are locked, we can’t meet in church, we’re isolated in our homes and the news channel is carrying stories of big churches live streaming services; great idea, but I have not got any ideas about how to even start doing that. Then in my Facebook stream comes a post about this book! The hand of God or a lucky break? Probably a lucky break, but what luck! I ordered a copy, it got delivered, I unpacked it; my first thought was ‘oh, it’s rather thin’! Don’t be fooled, this book packs a mighty punch. Clear, simple, concise and even I could understand it! It is full of tips to avoid common mistakes and guidance on what to check off to get streaming. We now come together on Sundays almost like usual, multiple people contribute to our worship just as they would in church and we feel connected. It is great to ‘be together’, while not being together! But that’s not the end of it! Now we’re hooked! Live streamed bible study group, live streamed kids ‘Sunday School’ on a Saturday (yeah, don’t ask!), I am even considering live streaming a prayer session every morning. Right now far more people are joining in than ordinarily come to church. From lock down isolation to strong community bonding, all thanks to this one book. I can’t thank the authors enough!

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Review by: Jack Paterson, 20 October 2019 via Wordery

I was not convinced by the idea of live streaming our monthly talks at our nature conservation group. We are a small group in an isolated part of Scotland, and I didn’t see the point, but people wanted to “move with the times”. I bought this small book and it was the best choice. The book is easy to follow and turns what I thought would be a hard subject in to easy tasks and things to think about. The advice in the book is sound and well presented, the proof is we now have more people joining our talks online than come to our meetings, and the number that come to our meetings has gone up too.

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Review by: Jake Scott Dunn, 30 June 2019 via WorldCat

It is remarkable how much information is packed into this short book while keeping it easy to understand and a pleasure to read.

One evening every month we run an “open evening” in our community bookshop to profile some selected items of new stock and we often have a speaker as well. I had not thought of live-streaming until I got an email promoting this book, but the idea immediately appealed to me. Due to the small size of the shop, and our location in the Highlands of Scotland, I think this the perfect way to open up our evenings to more people.

Everything in this beginner’s guide makes good sense, and after just a few days I am ready to start advertising this new way of joining our events. I recommend this book to everyone who runs any type of community group where there are speakers and who likes the thought of live-streaming, these are exactly the people this book is for. It is the perfect how-to guide to get you started, including good tips and practical advice for providing a great online experience for the audience. This is not a guide on how to install and set up computers and other equipment, but it does provide excellent detail of what is required. I could not be more impressed and have ordered additional copies for the shop stock.

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Review by: Hamish McNab, 17 February 2019 via Waterstones

This book was one of the best Christmas presents I was given this year. The creative writing group I run in a small village in the Highlands has long had fewer people at our meetings during the winter, this book provided a solution. I am not a 'computer person' but I still found the information in the book clear, concise and easy to follow. Live streaming has now become a successful feature of our meetings and it is already popular among those joining online. I recommend this book to anyone in similar circumstances, even if I'd had the idea to try live streaming earlier I would not have known where to start, this book guided me through everything needed. As a bonus it is very nicely written which made it a joy to read.

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Review by: George Douglas, 22 November 2018 via Waterstones

This book just made our wedding day even more special! I saw it on social in October and it sparked an idea “what if we could live stream our wedding reception speeches?”. I bought the book. It was so worth it! It is very well written, it demystifies what I though would be really complicated into short simple sections on everything we needed to think about. It turned out to be really easy to let family and friends that could not travel to Scotland for our big day still share some special moments with us and to give us their special messages. It didn’t even cost very much and the guide in the second half of the book on how to present in a live stream really helped everyone look super professional on screen. This is an amazing book and a “must read” for anyone thinking of doing a live stream for the first time. A big thank you and thumbs up to the authors!

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Review by: Tom Moir, 18 October 2018 via Waterstones

I ordered this book after seeing information about it on Instagram because I liked the idea of being able to broaden the audience for our community club monthly speakers, the club chairman agreed we give it a try. It is a remote community on the west coast of Scotland and there is not much here for people to do in the community, so involving more people could be a big plus. Reading the book I became more and more convinced that by following the simple guidance in this book I could put this idea into practice, it covers everything logically from planning to what to do when the live stream is actually on air. It does not say exactly what software or equipment to use, but does give good guidance on how to choose. If live streaming becomes popular when we try it out I plan to buy a copy of this book to give to each speaker we have in advance, as the final section of the book that gives tips for people preparing and presenting a talk for an online audience is particularly valuable, yet clear and simple advice. The book is nicely laid out with a good clear font and room to make notes in each section. I have now found that there is a website dedicated to the book, but was disappointed that it did not have a forum feature to share experiences and questions with other clubs trying live streaming for the first time.

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Review by: Cameron Christie, 24 September 2018 via Wordery

When I saw this book on the shelf in a local bookshop I knew within a moment of dipping into it that it was exactly what I needed to help me achieve an aim I have had at the back of my mind for a while, but not known how to get started. Back home I read it straight through from cover to cover and I was not disappointed. Every section gives practical advice in every day English without confusing technical language, but it still provides comprehensive information. Because this book makes what could be a difficult subject so easy to follow we have now actually live streamed a talk from our local farming support group in Scotland. The internet audience was small, but the good feedback means we will certainly be doing it again. When it came to it, the thought of broadcasting live was a bit scary, but a section of the book helped with that with a chapter “Tips For A Live Presentation” that gives very good advice written by an author who very clearly knows his subject well, it was the last step in turning the idea I have had for a while into a reality. Every group that has people giving talks at their meetings should buy this book. It needs better publicity because I only found it by luck, so I am posting this review and hope it will help.

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Review by: James Phelps, 23 August 2018 via Waterstones

I brought this book in a regular bookshop, having come across it by chance, and was so impressed I want to leave a review on here to recommend it to anyone thinking of streaming a meeting or presentation online. It provides straightforward clear guidance on the requirements and things to bear in mind for organising the equipment needed, followed by an excellent section full of great practical tips and advice for people presenting to an online audience from a ‘real’ meeting. This is not a technical, line by line, guide of how to wire up or configure equipment, but it is ideal for event organisers and co-ordinators who want to bring together a small team of people, who want to include people online in their group. The book does not recommend, in fact it does not even mention, any specific software or online service, so the reader must be prepared to do some further research, but it does clearly list and explain the things to consider when choosing the right package for what the read aspired to do. It is concise, but packed with valuable information, not a single word is wasted! The style of this book left me feeling I’d just got some really good advice from a very knowledgeable friend, but as I don’t have any friends with experience in this area this book gave me all I was looking for (and it has been invaluable in the success of my first “online enabled” village gardening club talk last night).

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Review by: Alex MacKie, 7 September 2018 via Waterstones

A great little book containing down to earth advice that is clearly communicated for “non-techies”. I only have basic computer skills (coming from a generation that did not grow up with them) and it has really helped me run my first live stream for our history group in rural Scotland. It was a huge success and something I had not considered before seeing this book. The book provides lots of information about the equipment and software that will be needed, but it does not recommend any particular product and I found that this gave me confidence that this was really impartial and independent advice, I enjoyed researching the options and found the pointers on each area within the book very helpful. Following all the steps made sure we did not over-look anything, and the section at the end with tips for speakers was a real bonus. A good value read, very well written!

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Review by: Nick W, 7 August 2018 via Bokus, Sweden

This book will help someone who wants to run an online event, but who does not know where to start. It offers good clear advice on how to prepare for the event. It also have lots of advice for someone presenting a talk online. I found it very helpful

Den här boken hjälper någon som vill köra en online-händelse, men vem vet inte vart man ska börja. Det ger bra tydliga råd om hur man förbereder sig för evenemanget. Det har också massor av råd för någon som pratar på nätet. Jag tyckte att det var mycket till hjälp.

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